日期:2013-07-30 21:34:59
日期:2013-07-30 22:19:48
日期:2013-07-30 22:32:05
分享小瘪三日志一篇(^o^)/~ 与君共勉
《How to be a good project leader》 2010-5-14
This week i am so busy.A urgent case need to do.Since one of our suppliers have a accident on their factory.So we must choose a new material.At first our team must release this part then to use it for our product.
Normally there is a process for part release.Purchase dept. control suppier time schedule and get iformation&samples from them.Then our logistic dept get new samples from supplier and send to manufacture dept&quality&Engineering dept.As application engineer my responsibility is to coordinate for function test and evaluate the result.At the same time manufacture engineer will plan a try-out in our production line.Quality engineer get same samples to check dimention and final approve it based on good results of manufacture dept&Engineering dept.
For me it is easy.I just get samples and provide them to our Lab and tell they how to do function test.Then wait for result to write report.But this case my project leader want me to handle the whole process.So i do it.It not a big deal.HaHa!
What the procerdule?At first make a action plan.Then ask purchase dept.to push supplier make samples and when can be sent to logistic dept.Tell logistic dept to prepare for making product and discuss with manufacture dept how many production we need to try and which kind.Quality guys is importent and also hard to push.They always make their own plan.But i still need their suggestion and support.If everything goes fine we could catch up our schedule.I mean i have to get our customer approval at the end.That is our target.
In a word there is a team.As a team leader you must know the whole process and what is the target.Make a plan and tell team member what&when to do and get result&make decision.The risk is that time can not reach our schedule.Get resource/exchange information/coordinate different dept/....So many things!
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