M: Well, when I want to "kiss up to" the boss, I might bring him coffee, or help him clean the office. I also try to say nice things about him and his family, or tell him he just looks really cool.
L: 噢,现在我懂了。你不用说的那么好听,“kiss up to”无非就是拍什么人的马屁嘛。哎呀, 真没想到,你还是个马屁精啊。你不怕同事看不起你啊?
M: No, not at all. All of the employees kiss up to my boss. Actually, there"s nothing wrong with that, because our boss is a really nice guy.
L: 如果你的老板真象你说的那么好,或许讨好他也没什么错。
M: I Guess kissing up to someone can be useful, but not so that everyone hates you.
L: 你说的没错,拍马屁有时候是挺管用的,不过要是搞得人人都讨厌你,那就太不值得了。
M: Don"t worry about me. I don"t want the boss to do anything for me, I just don"t want to be canned.
L: 其实我才应该向你学几招,去讨好讨好我的老板,也让他对我另眼相看。
今天李华学会了两个常用语:to be canned和to kiss up to.To be canned在这里就是被解雇的意思,kiss up to是讨好某人,拍马屁的意思。
日期:2007-8-16 9:32:19
loose cannon
有的俗语甚至还反映了两百年前打仗的形式,例如,美国人经常会说某个人是一个:loose cannon。大家都知道, loose是松散的意思,而cannon是指大炮。 Loose cannon的来历是几百年前当人们在海上作战时,他们往往在船上放好些大炮,每一座大炮放在一个带四个轮子的平台上。在战争间隙的时候,船员们用很粗的绳子把这些大炮栓住,不让它们随便移动。可是,当风暴来临,这些绳子在风暴的冲击下断了以后,大炮就会在船甲板上到处滚动,会把那些不幸就在大炮旁边的船员轧死,这比真正的敌人还要危险。
现在, loose cannon的意思和打仗并没有什么关系。人们把loose cannon用来指一个失去控制、无视权威、打破常轨的人,这种人往往会伤害和他自己站在一边的人。例如,有些美国政府官员在重大问题上擅自采取行动,也不向总统汇报。国会议员就把这些人称为loose cannon。下面的例子是一个政治家在谈论一个要为他竞选连任参加工作的人:
例句-1: I know this guy is a smart political worker. But he"s hard to control. In fact, he"s a loose cannon who might do more damage to our side than the man I"m running against.
我们今天要给大家介绍的第二个和战争有关的俗语是:blockbuster。 Blockbuster原来是第二次世界大战期间联军在和纳粹德国进行空战中用的武器,这种武器的力量十分强大,它可以把城市中两条街之间的所有楼房夷为平地。而现在,blockbuster是指某件事取得很大的成功,特别是指文艺界一些成功的电影、歌曲、剧本等。例如:
例句-2: A story from Hollywood said that the new James Bond film is the blockbuster film of the season.
例句-3: The biggest Hollywood blockbuster of all time still remains "Gone With the Wind", the classic picture about the civil war. And the amazing thing is it was made back in 1939.
日期:2007-8-16 9:34:54
to flop
今天Michael要在家里举行一个party,请朋友来玩。李华学到两个常用语:psyched和to flop。
L: 啤酒冻好了,吃的也摆好了。我看一切都准备好了。
M: Great! I"m really psyched about this party. Tonight I finally get to relax and have fun with my friends.
L: 你是不是担心party会出问题?是不是怕没有朋友来?
M: Not at all. I said "I am psyched." That means that I am very excited, and am looking forward to something.
L: Psyched这个词听起来怪怪的。那么“to be psyched”照你说的,就表示你盼望什么事情啦?
M: Not exactly. When I say "I am psyched," I not only mean that I am excited, but that I am full of energy and ready to go.
L: 是吗?可是今天的party有什么节目让你这样高兴呀?
M: Well, once some of my friends show up, I plan to have a few beers and hit the dance floor. Quite a few ladies should be showing up at the party tonight, so my friends will be psyched and ready to go as well!
L:嗯... 美酒加美女,听起来不错嘛。不过Michael, 你也不要太激动了。我可是见过你喝醉了之后跳舞还有和女孩讲话的样子。真是不敢恭维噢。
M: O.K., that"s enough already. If you"re so smart, why don"t you use "psyched" in a sentence for me?
L: 嗯,让我想想看。对了,像“拳击手Mike Tyson,在比赛前很psyched,因为他准备好要恶战一场了。”这句话怎么样?
M: Yeah, you seem to understand this phrase pretty well. All good athletes have to be psyched before a sports match, otherwise they have no chance of winning.
L: 行了行了,Michael, 你只要记住自己不是运动员,也不是专业的舞蹈家。
M: Oh come on Li Hua! Don"t try to ruin this party for me! You should be psyched too! This is going to be the greatest party of your life!
L: Michael, 你没事吧?
M: [Groan] Ugh, this is ... this is terrible. I feel like such an idiot. I can"t believe my party flopped so badly!
L: 怎么了?你说你的party怎么了?
M: I said my party flopped. That"s the past tense for "flop." I mean that the party sucked.
L: 我懂了, “flop” 就是你的party搞砸了。这个词还有别的意思吗?
M: Well, the word "flop" means to fall down flat and make a noise like when you drop a rug or a large book on the floor.
L: OK,我懂了。这个词的意思就是形容很重的东西掉在地上的声音。这个词是不是只能形容party的时候用呢?
M: Not at all. If a movie or a play "flops," that means it was not very successful. Sometimes we might say a plan "flopped," meaning it failed.
L: 那你说说看,为什么你的party搞砸了呢?
M: I wish I knew. Even my friends left after a couple of hours. I"ve never been to a party that flopped as badly as this one. Oh ...I know what happened tonight.
L: 那是为什么呢?
M: Today is the first Saturday of the new semester. Professor Wilkins always invites all of the graduate students in my department to a big pool party at his house. Everyone must have gone there!
L: 嗨,你怎么会忘了这回事呢?你的教授给研究生举行party?那我们也赶紧去参加他的party吧!我可不想在你的房间里发呆。我们也要去找点乐子啊!
M: That"s wonderful. My party is such a flop even you can"t wait to leave.
L: 哎哟,有什么关系?只要我们能参加另一个party就好了。我已经等不及了,赶快走吧!
今天李华学会了两个常用语:psyched和to flop。Psyched在这里就是“精神高昂,盼望某件事情”的意思,to flop就是“失败,不成功”的意思。
日期:2007-8-17 10:16:21
To drop a bombshell
语言往往是难以捉摸,也是没有道理可讲的。我们刚才给大家介绍了Blockbuster。Blockbuster是指某件事,特别是文艺作品,取得很大成功。可是,你要是用另外一种武器的名字,它的意思可以完全相反。例如:bomb。 Bomb就是丨炸丨弹,也一样是一种武器。但是,在电影和音乐方面,你要是用bomb这个字,它的意思就是不成功,不受欢迎,卖座率很低。要是有一则新闻报导说最近一位著名歌星录制的歌曲是一个bomb的话,那就是告诉你,这张唱片或磁带没有像想象中销路那么好。要是你听到别人说:
例句-1: A newspaper says that a picture that had cost 34 million dollars to make has bombed at the box office.
例句-2: This young producer made money on his first three films, so the studio invested forty million in his fourth film. But it turned out to be a real bomb -- it didn"t make enough to get back the investment.
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