下面我们要给大家介绍的一个习惯用语也很有趣,有时也很有用:to clam up。Clam在中文里就是蛤蜊,当蛤蜊外面的壳关起来的时候,你要想把它打开是不容易的。因此,clam up的意思就是嘴巴闭得紧紧的。当然,在不同场合,它的意思也就有所不同。下面这个例子是一个人听他朋友讲话听得太腻味了,于是他对他的朋友说:
例句-3: Hey, clam up, will you! I"ve heard enough already about how hard you work in the office!
例句-4: The cops found a man they know was a witness to the murder. But he has clammed up and won"t talk--he"s afraid the killer"s mob will come after him if he testifies in court.
日期:2007-8-28 9:45:52
流行美语 第65课
今天Michael和李华在打台球。从Michael的谈话中,李华学到两个常用语: to fork something over和to get over something.
L: (sound of pool balls clicking) 嗨,别进去,别进去呀! 啊呀,我怎么又输了这关键的球呢!这下好了...
M: That"s too bad, Li Hua. Looks like you owe me five dollars. Come on, fork it over!
L: 对,我们赌了五块钱,输了就给你,有什么了不起。可什么是fork it over?
M: To fork something over means to pay or give something, usually money. You lost a 5 dollar bet, so you need to fork over five dollars!
L: 噢,to fork it over原来就是付钱,或者给什么东西。Michael,你再举个例子,好不好?
M: Before I left China, I bought a lot of souvenirs. At the train station, a worker told me that my bags were too heavy, and I was made to pay a fine. I had to fork over 80 yuan, 八十块!
L: 行李太重就被罚了八十块人民币!可能是坑你是外国人吧!嗨,你本来就不该买那么多礼品。而且你买的都不是什么好东西,瞧那条石头雕的龙,真难看!
M: Hey, I forked over 350 yuan for that statue! Don"t make fun of it!
L: You forked over 350 yuan for that thing? 出350块买那条龙呀?老天爷,Michael, 那玩意儿恐怕还不值50块人民币呢。
M: Well, anyway, you need to fork over my 5 dollars now, please.
L: 你那么着急要我给你五块钱干嘛?
M: Go over to the bar and get us some beers. My treat!
L: 要我拿那五块钱去买啤酒,还算你请客!Macheal, 你真好意思呐!
L: 我刚才怎么会又输给你呢,真是难以相信。真倒霉!
M: Please, Li Hua, its a game of pool. Get over it!
L: Get what? 你说什么?Get-over-it?
M: I said "get over it". To get over something means to stop feeling bad about something, to forget about something bad.
L: To get over it就是不要为了某件事老感到难受,要把它忘掉。你的意思是要我忘掉我输给你五块钱?
M: Well, you don"t need to completely forget about losing -- but just don"t let the fact that you lost bother you. Get over it!
L: 对,完全忘掉恐怕是不行,但是别老放在心里。 Michael, 我是跟你开玩笑的啦。不过,to get over it这个说法好像很有用,再给我举个例子吧。
M: My aunt"s husband was killed in the Vietnam war. She never completely got over his death. She sometimes talks about him as if he were still alive.
L: 你姨夫在越南战争里被打死已经那么久了,你阿姨到现在有时还以为他还活着。我听了都感到难受,你别举这么伤心的例子好吗?
M: Ok, let me see -- when I was eight, I had a puppy. I really loved that dog! But the dog got sick, and never got over the illness.
L: 哟,你八岁时候养的小狗后来病死啦!Michael! 我最心痛这种小动物了,我都快要哭了。
M: Li Hua, please! Don"t cry . That was years ago! Besides, it wasn"t even your dog.
L: 说的也是,那么多年前的事了,而且也不是我的狗。可能我喝酒喝太多了。
M: Hey, you"d better finish that! I forked over five dollars for these beers!
今天李华学到两个常用语,一个是:to fork it over, 意思是给什么东西,或付钱。另一个是:to get over it, 意思是忘掉不愉快的事情。
日期:2007-8-29 9:57:02
例句-1: Honey, the old man told me what a great job I"m doing and how I am so valuable to the company. But he said the company isn"t making enough money right now to give anybody a raise, he thinks he may be able to do something about it a year from now. But I"m afraid all he gave me was a lot of baloney.
例句-2: Baloney! That"s all it is when my opponent keeps saying that my voting record always favors big business over the average citizen. Let me say it again: that"s nothing but baloney!
例句-3: John Doe, the former head of the City Public Works Department, went on trial today in the district court. He is charged with taking a 50,000-dollar kickback from the Blank Construction Company after giving them a 3 million dollars contract to repair the city streets.
例句-4: We thought our congressman was a sure bet to be re-elected. But he"s in real trouble--his opponent charges him with getting kickbacks for voting a certain way and seems to have some evidence to prove it.
日期:2007-8-29 9:57:50
PS: 泡美眉很好用的话!!
流行美语 第66课
今天Michael和李华在学校的书店里买书。李华会学到两个常用语:hot和to have a crush on someone。
M: Li Hua, do you see that girl over there?
L: 你是说那个穿红毛衣的女孩?她怎么啦?
M: She"s so hot! I"ve seen her around campus before and I would really love to meet her.
L: 你在校园里见过她,还想认识她。嗯,她是很漂亮。不过,你又没跟她说过话,你怎么知道她很热呢?
M: No, silly. To say someone is "hot" means that he or she is really attractive. That girl over there is definitely hot.
L: 噢,说一个人hot是说她很漂亮,很有吸引力,而不是感觉很热的意思。
M: That"s right, Li Hua. Now, you know who I think is hot. Tell me who do you think is hot?
L: 没错,我现在知道你喜欢谁了。至于我喜欢谁嘛,嗯...电影演员汤姆.克鲁斯 - Tom Cruise - 怎么样?I think he"s hot!
M: Tom Cruise? No, I mean someone you really have a chance of going out with.
L: 噢,要能够一起出去玩的人呐?
M: Yes, I mean you are not very likely to meet Tom Cruise. Besides, he"s a little old now.
L: 说得也是,要想认识Tom Cruise恐怕是不太可能的。他当然比以前老了,不过,我觉得他还是很有风度的--He"s very hot。
M: Now, come on, who do you think is hot?
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