今天李华学到了两个常用语:to kick oneself和raw deal。To kick oneself是由于错过了机会而怨恨自己。Raw deal就是在跟别人打交道时吃了亏。
日期:2007-9-13 9:28:23
on the fence
各种语言都有一套特殊的政治词汇,美国英语也不例外。美国国会议员在通过各项法案时经常要投票表示自己的立场。但是,有些议员在面临有争议的法案时往往感到难以作出决定。美国人把这种情况叫做:on the fence。Fence就是“篱笆”。On-the-fence的意思也就是骑在篱笆上,左右不定。下面就是一例:
例句-1: Sorry, friend: I can"t tell you right now how I will vote on the new tax bill. I"m still on the fence: I"m looking for more information before I decide which way I"ll jump.
On the fence也可能指那种两面观望,看准了如何行动才对自己有好处的所谓“骑墙派”。下面就是一个典型的例子:
例句-2: That man has managed to stay in office for ten years by being a regular fence-sitter. He never makes up his mind how to vote on an issue until he"s sure whether most voters are for or against it.
例句-3: This vote on the foreign trade bill is going to be close, and I sure wish we could be sure of that man"s support. But he"s such a maverick we can"t count on his voting with the party.
例句-4: Congressman Black is a real maverick but the voters keep sending him back to Washington. They admire a man who votes the way he really feels instead of just trying to please the voters all the time.
日期:2007-9-13 9:44:27
李华和Michael这个周末什么功课都没有,原来准备好好玩一玩,可是后来计划落空。李华会学到两个常用语:zip和drama queen。
L: 嗨,Michael, 你这个周末有功课要做吗?
M: Nope. I don"t have to do zip. I"m free the whole weekend.
L: 你不用做zip? 那是什么意思呀?Zip不是衣服上的拉链吗?
M: No, I mean zip as in zero or nothing. I don"t have zip means I don"t have anything to do.
L: 噢,zip可以解释为“零”,“什么也没有”。那你的意思是你周末什么事也没有,对不对?
M: Yes. If you ask me for money and I don"t have any, I could say I haven"t got zip. Get it?
L: 知道了,你没有钱,我本来也没有想问你借钱啊。
M: Good. Now, do you have any money I could borrow. I want to buy a coke.
L: "No, I don"t have zip." 我这么说对不对?
M: Yes, you used it right, but I really want to buy a coke.
L: 你真的要问我借钱哪?Michael, 我可真是没有钱,我不骗你。
M: Oh well, I guess I"ll have to go to the bank before we can do anything interesting this weekend. If I don"t have any cash, then we won"t be able to do zip.
L: 没错,你要不到银行去取钱,那周末我们哪儿也去不了。We won"t be able to do zip.
M: Now you"ve learned the word zip. The bank is over there. I"ll get some cash and I"ll come right back.
L: 快点,我饿了,要去吃晚饭了。嗨,Michael, 你多取点钱,I don"t have zip in my pockets.
M: Alright.
L: Michael, 我们周末出去玩的计划全被打乱了。我们的历史教授从电脑上发给我们一个新作业,星期一就要交了。啊呀,我真气死了。
M: Oh, don"t be such a drama queen. The assignment can"t be that bad, and I know for a fact that you do have free time.
L: 你叫我什么? Drama queen? Drama是戏剧,queen是女王。这两个词合在一起,嘿,我虽然不知道drama queen的具体意思,但是我肯定你是在讽刺我,对不对?
M: Not really. A drama queen is a girl who exaggerates her problems, usually to get attention. Your problem really isn"t that bad, but you make it sound like the end of the world.
L: 噢,drama queen原来是说一个女孩,为了引起别人的注意,夸张了她面临的问题。 哎哟,就是小题大作。嗨,我可不是小题大作。我是因为没有时间完成作业,所以我才心烦意乱。
M: Oh, please. You are being a little too dramatic about this homework assignment.
L: 只是一个作业,你说得倒简单!算了,算了,不跟你争了。可能是我还不清楚drama queen的含意,Michael, 你再给我举个例子,好不好?
M: Do you remember my friend, Angela, who called me crying because she couldn"t find her math book?
L: 当然记得。她呀,为了找不到她的数学书给你打电话的时候还哭了,我真是难以相信。她好像老是有什么事感到不高兴似的。
M: She is such a drama queen. She makes a huge deal out of losing a book or a bad haircut. Once, she wouldn"t talk to me for a week because I forgot to call her back.
L: 对,她总是大惊小怪,小题大作的,丢了一本书也不高兴,剪头发剪得不好也不高兴。你忘了给她打回电,她当然要生气,一个星期不跟你讲话就算客气的了。我可没有象她那样,所以别叫我drama queen.
M: Yeah, you"re not quite as bad.
今天李华学到了zip和drama queen两个常用语,zip就是零,什么也没有的意思;drama queen是指那种喜欢小题大作,大惊小怪的女孩子。
日期:2007-9-14 10:10:43
to give somebody a piece of one"s mind
to tell someone off
你有没有因为十分生气而对别人大发雷霆?美国人有一个说法是形容这种情绪的,那就是:to give someone a piece of one"s mind。To give someone a piece of one"s mind是指对某人大发雷霆。例如,一个人开汽车出门,在路上一个开车不守规则、横冲乱闯的人把他弄得很紧张,差点儿没出事。他回到家还在生气,于是他对家里的人说:
例句-1: This stupid idiot passed me on the left, then cut in ahead of me so close I had to jam on the brakes to keep from hitting him. When I caught up with him at the stoplight, I rolled down my window, and boy, did I give him a piece of my mind.
例句-2: Today I"ll give my business manager a piece of my mind. I"m tired of him coming in an hour late every day. I"ll tell him to be here on time or look for a job some place else.
在美国口语里有一些表示生气的习惯用语都是由tell这个字组成的。其中美国人最常用的一个就是:to tell someone off。To tell someone off也是表示生气,但是也包含一些拒绝某人要求的意思,例如:
例句-3: My brother-in-law borrowed $200 from me six months ago and never paid me back. So when he tried to borrow another $200 last night, I certainly told him off.
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