日期:2013-04-03 23:39:06
努力的过程,远比结果来的重要,聊这些 小瘪三固执的很,在他看来一切空想没什么意义,还不如想好做的工作难点在哪里,怎么解决,怎么积累核心竞争力,他在学生时代想出国,认为国外的月亮圆些,结果现在老大问他愿不愿意出国,他说不愿意,除非项目有要求 才结束短期的出差。以前他梦想成为技术专家,现在每周和所谓的专家谈论,没觉得他们比人多一个脑袋,而且他也不怎么做画图什么的,就是天天开会,开会。
争取更好的机会,再慢慢积累,再争取更更好的机会,再……再……不出10年 最少是个专业领域的经理或者相关的专家。
要是10年后 还能坚持慢慢积累,争取更好的机会,再慢慢积累,再争取更更好的机会,再……这个人无法估量的前途。
日期:2013-04-04 14:57:19
《To my girl》
Hi honey!(嘿,宝贝)
I am your friend.(我是你的朋友)Recently i heared that your classmate said you are so fat and they do not like you any more.(最近我听说,你的同学说你很胖所以不怎么喜欢你)I am not gona to say some thing about other guys and i also do not like to give comment about this.(对此我不想评论,也不想说其他人的事情)By my understanding this is about value of your life and also your love. (对于我的理解,此事关乎你的人生观和爱情观)What do you like to be?(你想成为什么人)What do you think the valuble things of your life?(你觉得人生中最重要的是什么)And what your choice of your love?(你会如何选择你的爱人)
In this world some one want to get more money and some one want to get more respect.(在这个世界上有人追求钱财,有人追求尊重)Some one like power and some one like to get knowlege(有人喜欢权力,有人爱好知识).It is not so easy to say which one is better and it is not about right or wrong thing.(这很难说清哪个更好,并且是无分对错的事情)I just want to give you some advice.(我只想给你些建议)If you really need respect just prove that you deserve them.(如果你真的需要尊重,那就去证明你值得别人尊重)May be your classmate all like beauty.(也许你的同学都喜欢美女)That beacause they are so young and with time you will find that people become older and older.(那是因为他们都还年轻,然后随着时间推移你会发现人都是会老的)The most beautiful thing is not your body but your soul(最美的事情不是你的身体,而是你的灵魂).In future you will gona to meet some one who you really love and just love him.(将来你会遇见你的真爱,那就勇敢爱他吧)If he really love you he will love you completely and not beacause who you are but beacause who he is when he is with you.(如果他真的爱你,那不是因为你是什么样的人,而是因为他和你在一起他成为什么样的人)
So do not care about your classmate`s thought.(不要自在意你同学的说法)Let they go and you have your own point of view,(随他们说吧,因为你有你的主见) It is your life.(这个是你的生活)Be confident and be happy.(自信并快乐)Get more experince and more skill of your life.(获取多些经验和生活的技巧)Do it when you want to do.(做你要做的事情)Chose your love and love your choice.(选择你的爱人,并爱上你的选择吧)Share with your friend and open your mind.(打开你的心扉与你朋友分享)It is a big world.(这个世界很大)There are lots of things need to do and there also lots of guys waiting for you.(有很多事情等你做,也有很多人等着你选择)Do not wast your time when you are so young.(年轻时不要浪费光阴)Study hard and learn more from your university.(在大学要好好学习收获更多)Time goes and never come back.(时间一去不复返)
yours:zsr 2010.07.23
日期:2013-04-04 15:09:43
《To my boy》
Hi Boy,
How are you?Today is July 26,2010.It is so hot in CS.All day training makes me not so confortable.But i need to study hard and next month it is my turn to train my colleagues in our department.There is a system which is built up in plant and it is called UBK project.I am so proud that my boss nominated me to be key user and sent me to get training.
Normally there must two key user in each department and one for engineering,one for project manager.Since our project leader is very busy so i will take both responsibility.For me it is a good chance to know how the process be organized and what the purpose of the document management and so on.
The challenge is that after finish the training i must share with my colleagues and tell them how to do in the system.It seems one week ago i am a trainee and next week i am gona to train others.
So i study hard and keep in mind everything i get from the course.Still can not handle this and may be need to prepare in the weekend.The luck thing is that my trainer can provide the training material to me and it is write in english.It is really helpful since my boss insist to speak english to us.
And this is the situation these days for me.By the way today i have seen our kind customer Oyama_San.He is a japanese and a little bit fat.
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