L:这我就不懂了。是的,这是你的车,我只有一张学开车的许可证。可是,我开车出了问题,为什么丨警丨察会怪你呀?你为什么要freak out?
M:Hey! Li Hua, look out for that car!
L:Don"t freak out, Michael. 我看见那辆车了。不过,那车差一点就撞到我们了!
M:Oh, man! that was close! That guy is crazy! I wish the cops were here to see that!
L:对,刚才是够险的,丨警丨察要看到他那么开车,准要给他罚单。不过,今天已经和丨警丨察打过交道了,够了。再要跟cops打交道,那我可真是要freak out了。
M:Me too. Now, drive carefully!
今天这两个年轻人真是够惊险的。不过,李华学到了两个非常有用的词汇: cop, 丨警丨察;to freak out,非常紧张和激动。
日期:2007-7-21 10:25:40
大家可能还记得Michael 这个美国学生以往几次考试都考糟了,这一次情况可大不相同。今天他和他的中国同学李华约好了在图书馆见面。李华会学到两个常用语,一个是:to ace;另一个是:peanuts。
L: 嗨, Michael,今天考得怎么样?
M: Not bad! I aced today"s history test!
L: 你历史测验又考糟啦?那你还那么高兴!
M: No, Li Hua, I didn"t bomb my test. I said "I aced the test". I did very well on it!
L: 你考得很好,那太好了,Michael!最近你每天都到图书馆来念书, 我知道你会考得比以前好的。你刚才用的是哪个字啊?
M: Ace. Here, ace is a verb, and you can add a "d" to make it past tense.
L: 噢,在这里,ace是个动词,过去时就是在后面加一个字母 "d",变成 了aced。这个字是不是和扑克牌里的那张牌A,或者叫“尖子”的那 张牌一样的呢?
M: That"s right. The "ace" card is usually the highest value in a card game. Therefore, "ace" means to do well.
L: 对,在玩扑克的时候ace往往是价值最高的一张牌,所以ace就是 指某件事做的很好。那ace作为动词还能用在什么场合呢?
M: Usually we can use "ace" to describe how we did on a test, or on things similar to tests. For example, I can say I aced my last job interview.
L: 噢,一般都用在和测验考试之类的情况,你上次找工作去面谈谈 得很好也能用“ace" 这个词。再说一遍你刚才说的那句话,好 吗?
M: I aced my last job interview.
L: 你大概回答问题答得很好,所以老板就要你了。
M: That"s right. Li Hua, if someone is very good at something, we can call him an "ace". I can say, for example, you are an ace at taking tests.
L: I"m an ace at taking tests, 你说我非常会考试!这也不见得,我考糊 的时候也有的。不过,比你少一点就是了。
M: Yes, you"re right!
L: Michael, 借我$.75 买杯咖啡好吗?
M: Well, okay. Li Hua, how much money do you earn as a teaching assistant, if you don"t mind my asking?
L: 你当然不在意你问我赚多少钱。 当助教的工资很低,才8美元一 小时。
M: Eight dollars? That"s peanuts!
L: Peanuts? Peanuts不是花生吗?你是什么意思呀?
M: That"s really not much! You only make eight dollars an hour? Your wages are very low, so I said that"s "peanuts"!
L: 原来你的意思是我的工资很低。你说的peanuts是不是和我们吃的 花生一个字吗?
M: That"s right.
L: 我在想另外找个工作呢。我的同学王燕在图书馆工作,一个小时 就有十美元。
M: That"s still peanuts compared with the teaching assistants in other departments. I make about 13 dollars an hour as a graduate assistant.
L: 哟,你一个小时赚13美元呐! 真不公平,你赚那么多钱,而我 只赚peanuts.
M: I don"t see how you can live on so little money.
L: 赚那么点钱是怎么过的日子呀?我还有奖学金呐,每个月给我四 百美元生活费。
M: Too bad you don"t really make peanuts, at least you can eat those...
L: 你真想要我赚花生,靠吃花生过日子呀。Michael, 你真废话!
M: I"m just kidding!
今天李华学到两个常用语,一个是:to ace,就是某件事做得很好,特别是象考试之类的事;另一个是:peanuts,这里不是指花生,而是指数量很小,价值很低。
日期:2007-7-22 9:27:12
Michael和李华都为今天的考试苦苦准备了整整一个星期。他们俩刚考完,都觉得自己考得不错。俩人决定去看一场电影,轻松轻松。李华会学到两个常用语,一个是:buck; 另一个是:whatever。
M: Li Hua, are you going to get any snacks before the movie begins?
L: 你说什么?噢,电影还没有开场,你问我要不要买点吃的?嗯, 我本想买一杯可乐,可是买了票,没钱了,算了吧!
M: Don"t worry about it! I"ll buy you one. It"s only a few bucks.
L: 你说什么?一杯可乐不是$2.75吗?你说 "only a few bucks"?
M: Yes. "Buck" is an informal way to say "dollar".
L: 哟,"buck" 就是"dollar"!是非正式的名称。 嗨,昨天我要买一块 糖,你给我一美元,那我就可以说:“You gave me a buck",对不 对?
M: That"s right. And the other day, I lent you a few bucks for lunch. And last week, you borrowed ten bucks so you could buy a chemistry textbook, and...
L: 得啦, 你用不着提醒我,我知道,那天借了你几块钱吃午饭, 上星期借你十块钱买化学书,不就是借了两回吗!你怎么啦,怕 我不还?
M: No, I"m not reminding you, I just wanted to give you some examples.
L: 得了吧!要给我举例子,跟钱有关的事多着呢,为什么非要举我 问你借钱的例子!
M: Ok, don"t be mad at me. Hey, since you now know what "buck" means, why don"t you give me an example.
L: 要我给你举个例子,行,那还不容易呀! 你看我这件毛衣,款 式很新型,纯毛的,还是名牌,你猜多钱?Five bucks!
M: Five bucks! I can"t believe it!
L: 清仓大减价嘛! 可是,Michael,我去商店的时候,停车停错了地 方,吃了一张罚票, it costs me 50 bucks!
M: Oh! So your sweater actually costs you 55 bucks! That"s expensive!
L: 真倒霉!得了,别说了。去买可乐吧!电影都快开场了。
L: Michael,这电影可真棒!
M: What? Are you kidding? That was the stupidest movie I"ve ever seen. I would have rather spent the seven bucks on a good meal.
L: 你从来没看过这么傻的电影?你宁可花这七块钱去好好吃顿饭! Michael, 你真怪!我非常喜欢Piers Brosnan,他长得多帅呀!
M: Handsome? Whatever! He"s got to be over 50 years old now!
L: Michael, 你说 “whatever",在这里是什么意思呀?比如说:You can buy whatever you want." 意思是:你想买什么都行。可是,你 刚才说一个字“ whatever”,口气不同,好象意思也不一样。
M: The word "whatever" I said is the same as in your example, But when someone says "whatever" like this: "whatever," he is being sarcastic. He thinks what you just said is nonsense.
L: 噢,原来是这么回事。你说的whatever和我举的例子里的 whatever 是一个字, 可是,说的语调不一样就表示说话的人在讽 刺对方,认为对方说的是废话。好,又学会一个词。不过, Michael,你不喜欢这部电影是不是你认为Piers Brosnan不够帅? 你 是妒忌他吧?
M: Whatever! Piers Brosnan is an old man and he"s getting fat. I couldn"t possibly be jealous of him.
L: 得了吧!对,Piers Brosnan年级不小了,也比以前胖了。可是我 认为他还是很帅。你自己不也比以前胖了嘛。
M: I"m fat? Whatever! This movie was a waste of seven bucks!
L: 唉,非要说看这部电影是浪费七块美元。 得了,Michael, 你还是 省点钱吧,没准我下回还要问你借呢!
M: Whatever!
日期:2007-7-22 9:28:52
A black sheep
A white lie
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