M: I know, I know...you"re a good friend. You get a kick out of helping people, not watching them suffer.
L: 这你说得还象样,我才不愿意看见别人难受,我很高兴帮助别人。 帮助象你这样的美国学生学中文我就很高兴。
M: I"m so useless. I only get a kick out of doing stupid things, like getting wasted or watching old cartoons.
L: 偶然喝醉一次,看看老的卡通片也不能说自己没有用嘛。你看到你的学生英语有进步,不也让你很高兴吗?
M: Yes, I guess I do get a kick out of watching my students learn.
L: Michael, 走吧! 嗨,看完展览要不要再去喝个酩酊大醉呀?
M: Arrrgh! Li Hua, you really do get a kick out of tormenting me. I"ll never get wasted for the rest of my life. I promise.
L: 我只是开个玩笑而已。不过,我倒是希望你这辈子再也不要喝那么多酒了!
别看Michael 昨晚喝醉了,今天还晕乎乎的。可是他教了李华两个很有用的常用语,一个是:wasted,那是指喝得大醉;另一个是:to get a kick out of something,那就是为某件事感到很高兴。
日期:2007-7-30 9:56:00
hot seat
hot and bothered
美国人在日常生活中经常用hot这个字,例如 hot potato, hot dog,hot number, hot rod等等。它们有的时候代表好的、正面的意思,但有一些则具有反面的意思。今天我们要介绍两个和hot这个字有关的习惯用语。第一个是:hot seat。
大家都已经知道hot这个字是热的意思,seat 就是座位。 Hot seat这个俗语从字面上来解释就是那个座位很热,或很烫。但是,它的真正意思却并非如此。大家都知道,有些国家在处决那些被判死刑的犯人时不是用枪决的方式,而是让犯人坐在一张可以通电的椅子上,把他电死的。以前,人们就是把犯人坐的那张椅子叫做hot seat。可是,美国好些州现在都已经废除了死刑。Hot seat这个俗语的意思也有所改变。现在,hot seat这个俗语指的是那种可能会产生麻烦,或让人感到难堪的局面。请听下面这个例子:
例句-1: I thought it would be fun to judge the high school beauty contest. Instead I ended up on the hot seat. When we picked the winner, I made one girl happy and nineteen others mad at me.
例句-2: If you"re mayor of a big city these days, you"re sitting in the hot seat -- it"s hard to make voters happy when you don"t have the money in the budget to give them all the things they expect.
下面我们要给大家介绍的一个俗语也是和 hot 这个字有关的。 这个俗语就是hot and bothered。 Hot and bothered 的意思是一个人由于某件事而感到很激动、担忧或者很生气。一个简单的例子就是:
例句-3: Nancy was all hot and bothered when her boyfriend showed up two hours late to take her to the party.
例句-4: Please don"t get hot and bothered about all these dirty pans and dishes, honey. After dinner you just sit down and relax and watch TV, and let me clean up the kitchen.
日期:2007-7-30 9:59:29
Michael和李华好几天没见了,今天刚好在校园里碰到,两个人就聊起来了。李华会学到两个常用语:to chip in和snail mail。
L: 嗨,Michael,Bob明天开生日party, 你去吗?
M: Yes, I"m going with a few friends. We decided to chip in and buy him a leather jacket. He"s been talking about buying a jacket for a long time.
L: 你要和几个朋友一起去参加 party,还要给他买一件皮夹克。可是皮夹克很贵,你们是不是准备大家凑钱给他买?你刚才说chip in是不是就是这个意思呀?
M: That"s right. To chip in, means to each contribute money to buy something.
L: 那就是我们中国人说的凑钱买东西。
M: Usually you say "chip in" if each person in a group of people gives some money to buy someone a present.
L: 要是每个人都出一些钱给谁买个礼物,人们一般就会说to chip in。
M: To give you another example, my mother said her colleagues always chip in to buy gifts to celebrate someone"s birthday or when someone has a new baby.
L: 你妈妈的同事往往会凑钱买礼物给过生日的同事,或者给刚生孩子的同事。这跟上面你说的几个朋友凑钱给Bob买皮夹克差不多。To chip in还可以用在其它什么场合吗?
M: You can also use "to chip in" if you are going out with a group of people for dinner or a drink.
L: 噢,几个朋友一起出去吃饭,喝酒,每个人出一些钱来付帐也可以说是chip in。
M: Yes, the guys and I usually each chip in a few dollars when we go out for pizza on Friday nights。Last week, I paid 10 dollars, Bob chipped in $4, John gave $2. There is one guy who never chips in. He"s cheap. It really makes me mad.
L: 等等,上星期五你们几个人出去吃比萨饼,你付了十美元,Bob出了四美元,John出了两美元。还有一个小气鬼,从来不出钱。他真好意思!Why don"t you ditch him, 甩了他不得了!
M: Oh, we"ve been friends for many years, and it"s only a few bucks!
L: 哟,既然朋友多年,也就几块钱的事,你不愿意甩了他,那你就别生气啊!Michael, 你手里拿的是什么?好象是信吧!现在还有人写信呀?
M: I got two letters today from a couple of old friends! I hardly ever get snail mail anymore.
L: 你收到两个老朋友给你的来信。你说什么?Snail mail, snail不就是蜗牛吗?mail 就是信。 信和蜗牛又有什么关系呀?
M: "Snail" is an animal known for its slow movement. "Snail mail" means real letters that you get in your mailbox.
L: 噢,我知道了。蜗牛走的很慢,所以snail mail就是指通过邮局寄的信。以前怎么没有听说snail mail这个说法呢?
M: Well, ever since e-mail became popular, people have used "snail mail" to talk about paper mail, because it is slower than e-mail.
L: 对,邮局寄的信和电子邮件相比真是要慢多了。叫它“蜗牛信”倒也挺形象的。
M: Yes, everyone is so busy nowadays, no one seems to have time to write snail mail anymore.
L: 你说得一点不错。大家都很忙,没有多少人还会坐在那儿写信。邮局里送来的邮件不是账单,就是广告。这些也能叫做snail mail 吗?
M: No, only a letter written to you by a friend or family member can really be called "snail mail".
L: 噢,人们只有把亲友写的信叫做snail mail。说起写信,我真是应该给我爸爸妈妈写信了。
M: I"m just too lazy to write snail mail. I think I"ll go write some e-mails.
L: 你的亲友都在美国,都有电脑。我的父母在中国,他们还没有电脑,所以,I have to write snail mails to them。我得走了,下回再聊吧!
M: Okay, bye!
李华今天学到两个常用语,一个是:to chip in, 意思是凑钱买什么东西,或者是凑钱付大家一起吃饭的钱。另一个是:snail mai,这是指通过邮局寄的信。
日期:2007-7-31 9:36:08
to break your neck
to stick your neck out
在美国英语里,有一些习惯用语都和neck这个字有联系的,但是它们的意思却各不相同。我们先来讲一个美国人经常用的、由neck这个字组成的俗语:to break your neck。 Break 这个字的意思是把什么东西弄断或打破。但是,to break your neck的意思并不是指你的脖子真的断了。 To break your neck作为俗语是尽一切力量努力去做某件事的意思。下面这位爸爸说的话就很清楚地告诉大家to break your neck这个俗语的用法:
例句-1: I wish Sam would study harder, because I am breaking my neck to scrape up the money to keep him in college.
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