Sound bite就是插入电视新闻节目当中的一个和选举有关的片段。比如,有几个候选人同时在一个州进行竞选,当地的电视播音员就可能做一个节目介绍这几位候选人,其中包括他们的讲话片段。这些片段虽然很短,不会超过十五秒钟,可是候选人却把这种机会看得很重要,因为全国各地的选民都能看到。为了要公平对待每个候选人,给他们同等的时间,新闻节目有时候会出现一些问题,就像下面这个例子一样:
例句-2: We have a problem in our six o"clock newscast. We have sound bites of four candidates and we better squeeze in all four. Which means we"ll have to cut some other story out of the show.
例句-3: Some of the presidential candidates are more interested in sound bites than sound policies.
这些人说:“有些竞选总统的候选人对自己在电视上演讲的片段比他们对制定好的政策更感兴趣。”这句话里有两个sound这个字,sound bites里的sound是指声音,而sound policies是指好的、有效的政策。
日期:2007-9-7 11:26:07
favorite son
sound bite
美国今年的总统选举已经进入了最后的紧张阶段。今天我们先再给大家一个在美选举初期经常用的习惯用语:favorite son。Favorite son从字面上来解释是:受宠的儿子。可是用在选举上,它的意思就变了。决定参加总统竞选的人来自各州,当一个有候选人的州举行初选的时候,本州的候选人就是favorite son。其他竞选者要到那些有favorite son的州去参加初选,那可就麻烦了。因为,一般来说,同一个党的人总是会支持本州的候选人,那怕他们明明知道这个人根本不可能被提名为总统候选人。今年爱奥华州就发生了类似情况:
例句-1: Every election year Iowa gets lots of national attention because it"s the first state to show which candidates it wants. But this year other presidential hopefuls did not spend much time in Iowa because Senator Harkin from Iowa was a favorite son candidate.
参加竞选总统的候选人越来越多地利用新闻媒介来宣传他们的观点和攻击竞争对手。下面我们就给大家介绍一个这方面的习惯用语:sound bite。
Sound bite就是插入电视新闻节目当中的一个和选举有关的片段。比如,有几个候选人同时在一个州进行竞选,当地的电视播音员就可能做一个节目介绍这几位候选人,其中包括他们的讲话片段。这些片段虽然很短,不会超过十五秒钟,可是候选人却把这种机会看得很重要,因为全国各地的选民都能看到。为了要公平对待每个候选人,给他们同等的时间,新闻节目有时候会出现一些问题,就像下面这个例子一样:
例句-2: We have a problem in our six o"clock newscast. We have sound bites of four candidates and we better squeeze in all four. Which means we"ll have to cut some other story out of the show.
例句-3: Some of the presidential candidates are more interested in sound bites than sound policies.
这些人说:“有些竞选总统的候选人对自己在电视上演讲的片段比他们对制定好的政策更感兴趣。”这句话里有两个sound这个字,sound bites里的sound是指声音,而sound policies是指好的、有效的政策。
日期:2007-9-7 11:28:01
李华今天在紧张地准备历史课的考试。她在和Michael的谈话中会学到两个常用语:beats me和to be in a bind.
M: Hey, Li Hua. What are you doing?
L: 我在准备历史课的考试。Michael, 你知道美国总统罗斯福和斯大林第一次见面是在什么时候?
M: Beats me. I don"t know much about that period of history.
L: 哎哟,你不知道我也不会打你呀,你为什么要说:Beats me? Beat不就是打人的意思吗?
M: No, I don"t mean you would beat me. The expression "beats me" means that I have no idea what the answer is.
L: 噢,在这里,beat不是打人的意思。Beats me就是我不知道!
M: Right. If I ask you a question like how many miles away the sun is, you might say, "I don"t know - beats me."
L: 这你倒是说对了,我还真不知道地球和太阳之间距离多少英里。Beats me! 你知道尼加拉瓜的第五任总统是谁吗?
M: Okay, that really beats me. You don"t really need to know the answer to that question for your history test, do you?
L: 傻瓜,我当然不需要知道这个答案,我是在跟你开玩笑,我学的历史是二次大战期间的美国和欧洲,和尼加拉瓜根本就没关系。
M: Okay. By the way, what time is your history exam?
L: 哟,beats me! 我把考试的日程忘在同学家里了!
M: You left the schedule at your classmate"s home? What"s wrong with you?
L: Beats me! 我也不知道我怎么会忘在他家里的。不过,没关系,我还有足够时间来准备。
M: You had better go and check the exam time. If the exam is tomorrow, you"re really going to be in trouble.
L: 行,行,行。我去查,要是明天就考试的话,那我可真是麻烦了。
M: Hey, Li Hua, did you find someone to help you with that history question?
L: 没有人知道罗斯福和斯大林第一次见面是什么时候。我也找不到这方面的材料。而且,考试是星期二,不是星期三。我这下可真麻烦了。
M: Wow, it sounds like you"re really in a bind.
L: 你说什么?我在什么东西里?什么是a bind?
M: To be in a bind -- B I N D -- means that you are in a very difficult situation. Your exam is tomorrow and you can"t find the material you need to study. Therefore, you are in a bind.
L: 噢,to be in a bind就是处境很难。唉,我真是处境艰难。Michael,我这次考试可能要不及格了。你能不能帮我摆脱这个困境呢?也就是 to get out of this bind I"m in.
M: Of course, I"m always willing to help a friend out of a bind. You can study your notes, and I can look up any questions you have in your text book. Will that help?
L: 我复习我的笔记,然后你帮我查课文里的问题。这是个好主意,这样我可以省好多时间。Michael, 谢谢你,谢谢你。哎,还有什么情况下我们可以用to be in a bind?
M: Well, if I have to pay my rent, but I don"t have any money, then I"m in a bind.
L: 你付房租的时候到了,可是你又没有钱,那可真是in a bind。我来举个例子。要是我在找工作,有个公司要和我面谈,可是我早就和朋友约好那天要一块儿吃饭,我可以说:I"m in a bind吗?
M: Yes, you would be in a bind. But you"re going to be in an even worse bind if we don"t start studying for your exam soon.
L: 你说得对,要是我们再不动手开始准备考试的话,那我就会处境更困难了-- in an even worse bind。好吧,那赶快念书吧!I don"t want to be in a bind anymore!
今天李华学到了一个用得非常普遍的说法:beats me, 意思是“不知道”。李华还学到了另一个常用语:to be in a bind, 意思是“处境困难”。
日期:2007-9-7 11:29:19
李华今天在紧张地准备历史课的考试。她在和Michael的谈话中会学到两个常用语:beats me和to be in a bind.
M: Hey, Li Hua. What are you doing?
L: 我在准备历史课的考试。Michael, 你知道美国总统罗斯福和斯大林第一次见面是在什么时候?
M: Beats me. I don"t know much about that period of history.
L: 哎哟,你不知道我也不会打你呀,你为什么要说:Beats me? Beat不就是打人的意思吗?
M: No, I don"t mean you would beat me. The expression "beats me" means that I have no idea what the answer is.
L: 噢,在这里,beat不是打人的意思。Beats me就是我不知道!
M: Right. If I ask you a question like how many miles away the sun is, you might say, "I don"t know - beats me."
L: 这你倒是说对了,我还真不知道地球和太阳之间距离多少英里。Beats me! 你知道尼加拉瓜的第五任总统是谁吗?
M: Okay, that really beats me. You don"t really need to know the answer to that question for your history test, do you?
L: 傻瓜,我当然不需要知道这个答案,我是在跟你开玩笑,我学的历史是二次大战期间的美国和欧洲,和尼加拉瓜根本就没关系。
M: Okay. By the way, what time is your history exam?
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