下面我们要解释的一个和shirt这个字有关的习惯用语是:To lose one"s shirt。Lose这个字的意思当然就是丢掉,或失去什么东西。一个人要是丢了他的衬衫,他回到家里恐怕那要比那个晚了三小时才回家吃晚饭的丈夫碰到的麻烦要多得多。可是,to lose one"s shirt 实际上并不是真的指丢了衬衫。它的确切意思是某个人失去了他所有的一切。我们来举个例子吧:
例句-3: "Did you hear what happened to Joe? He"s lost his shirt, the poor guy -- invested all his money in a fancy restaurant and it just went out of business."
下面是另一个说明to lose one"s shirt 在日常生活中是怎么用的例子:
例句-4: "Be careful of salesmen who call on the phone and offer to sell you land on the beach down in Florida. You can lose your shirt because the chances are the land is under water at high tide."
上面我们讲了两个由shirt 这个字组成的俗语。但是,尽管这两个俗语都是由shirt 这个字组成的,可是它们的意思却完全不同。第一个To keep your shirt on是指不要紧张,或者是不要在不了解清楚情况的时候就发火。我们今天讲的另外一个俗语是:To lose one"s shirt,这是指是失去一切的意思。美国英语中还有不少由shirt这个字有关的习惯用语
日期:2007-7-15 11:03:35
A stuffed shirt
To give you the shirt off his back
在美国英语中,人们穿着的各种服装名称经常是组成一些习惯用语的主要成份。今天我们再讲两个由shirt这个字组成的俗语。第一个是:A stuffed shirt。Stuffed这个字有好几种解释,有时是指装的满满的。在某种情况下是吃得过饱的意思。那末 ,a stuffed shirt 是什么意思呢?A stuffed shirt是指那些爱摆架子,表现得神气十足的人。对于这种人最好是敬而远之。这种人既傲慢,又顽固,自以为了不起,他们参加任何社交活动都不受人欢迎。我们现在来举个例子吧:
例句-1: "My boss is a stuffed shirt: all he talks about is how important his ancestors are, how he was number one in his class at his university, and the wonderful things he thinks he"s done for our company."
例句-2: "I think I"ll vote for Jimmy Brown instead of the other guy James Leland Elegant the third. Jimmy ins"t a stuffed shirt like Elegant -- he"s a friendly, informal guy like us ordinary people."
我们再来讲一个和shirt这个字有关的俗语:To give you the shirt off his back.。从字面上来解释,to give you the shirt off his back 就是把他的衬衣从背上拿下来给你。一个人要是肯把衬衣脱下来给你的话,那就是一个在你患难的时候能拿出他所有的一切,包括他的衬衣,来帮忙的人。这种朋友是很可贵的。下面我们来举一个例子。这是一个女孩在和朋友说她的父亲:
例句-3: "Of course Dad gets mad at me sometimes for no good reason. But if I ever need it, I know he would give me the shirt off his back."
例句-4: "Pete never says very much. But when he hears about somebody who"s sick in the hospital or lost his job, he"s always the first to put his hand in his pocket and bring out money to help. Yes, sir, he"s the kind of man who"d give you the shirt off his back."
今天我们讲了两个和shirt这个字有关的成语,一个是:A stuffed shirt,这是指那些爱摆架子,表现得神气十足的人。 另外一个成语是 To give you the shirt off his back,这是指尽自己的力量帮助别人。「
日期:2007-7-15 11:06:08
Michael和李华今天早上都有课,现在正往课堂走。李华今天会学到两个常用语:to goof off 和to hit the sack。
L: Michael, 别往我头上扔雪块,行吗?你怎么象个小孩呀!
M: Li Hua, I"m just goofing off.
L: 你就是讨厌。 我不懂什么是goofing off.
M: Actually Li Hua, to goof off does mean that I"m acting stupid and not being serious. Goof is a verb.
L: 噢,to goof off 就是干无聊的事,那你确实很无聊,老向我扔雪 块。
M: To goof off is a great term. Young people use it a lot. It is often used to describe how young people are behaving.
L: 年轻人经常用to goof off来形容别人的行为?我记得念中学时班 上有个学生老是打断老师的话,喜欢开玩笑,你可以说这个学生 是goofing off吗?
M: Yeah, that"s right. Children or young people often goof off. Do you remember when we were at the movies and those high school students threw candy at the screen, you could say they were goofing off.
L: 对,没错,小孩和年轻人经常会做一些无聊的事开玩笑。我才不会忘掉我们那次去看电影的事呢。那几个中学生往银幕上扔糖果, 真是太无聊了,他们还以为好玩呢。
M: To tell you the truth, when I went to the library in high school with my roommates we would usually waste time and ended up goofing off.
L: 你是说,你念中学时跟同学去图书馆念书,结果在那儿互相扔纸球?
M: Yeah, that"s right.
L: 怪不得你一开始考不上大学呢! 行,教室到了,下课等我一起去图书馆,可千万不要goof off。
L: 这课真是枯燥无味。我最讨厌晚上上课,每次上完课,我都感到很累。
M: That"s right. Even though it"s not that late, I"m ready to hit the sack!
L: 你说什么?你要去捅一个口袋?Sack不是麻袋吗?我以为你很累了,而你现在要去运动?
M: No, no. It"s a colloquial saying. I mean I"m going to bed. Sack, here means bed, and hit means going to.
L: 噢,原来to hit the sack是指去睡觉,sack在这里是指床, hit是去 床上睡觉的意思。 那我要坐下,能不能说 to hit the chair?
M: No, not really. This phrase -- to hit the sack -- has a pretty limited meaning.
L: 哟,to hit the sack只能指去睡觉,别的地方还不能用!那要是我 午想睡个午睡,能不能说:I want to hit the sack?
M: No, it"s usually used to talk about going to bed at night, after a long day at work or school.
L: 午睡也不能用,只能指一天工作和学习后晚上去睡觉。那现在我 已经上了一天的学,再加上晚上上了这堂枯燥无味的课,我可 以说:It"s time for me to hit the sack。 对不对?
M: That"s correct, Li Hua. But don"t forget that we have a test tomorrow.
L: 我当然不会忘掉明天的考试。
M: Ok, now go hit the sack, but after tomorrow"s test we will have to study seriously for next week"s test, no more goofing off.
L: 明天考试后你想好好学习,为下星期的考试作准备。没问题,我 帮你准备,我们俩都会考得很好。
M: Yeah, I"m going to hit the sack. Bye, Li Hua!
Michael 今天教了李华两个常用语,一个是:to goof off,意思是做一些无聊的事,开玩笑;另一个是:to hit the sack,这是指晚上上床睡觉。
日期:2007-7-15 11:09:12
现在大家可能都已经很熟悉Michael和李华了吧!他们俩都在纽约上大学。纽约有许多酒吧都是爱尔兰移民开的。今天Michael要带李华去看一个酒吧。Michael在讲话时会用两个常用语:to bum和turn-off。
L: 嗨,这儿好热闹啊!Michael, 在爱尔兰酒吧里大家喝些什么呢?
M: People normally drink a large beer that is usually served warm.
L: 我可从来没喝过热的啤酒,一大杯也喝不了,要一小杯行不行?
M: Well, you can order whatever you want, but I need to bum a couple of dollars, if you don"t mind.
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