
作者: scottzhong
  要是你问一个人,你说的那个消息是从那儿听来的,他可能会说:through the grapevine。Grape是葡萄,grapevine就是葡萄藤。Through the grapevine的意思实际上就和中文里说的:通过小道消息来的一样。也就是说,这个消息是经过人们口头传播传到他这儿来的,他也不知道到底是从谁那儿开始的。

  例句-3: What do you think of the news that our regiment is being transferred to California. It"s not announced officially yet, but this morning I got it through the grapevine.
  例句-4: I don"t always believe what I get through the grapevine, but it"s true at least half the time and and it"s a lot faster than whatever the army tells you about what we"re doing.

日期:2007-8-21 10:05:30

  流行美语 第58课 (下载)
  Michael现在在玩电子游戏,李华在等他一起去和朋友吃饭。Michael今天会教会李华两个常用语:junkies和cut it out.
  (Sound of video games)
  L: 嗨,Michael,你还没有玩够这电子游戏呀?你这个人怎么回事嘛!
  M: Just a minute. (video game sounds stop) Oh never mind. You are right, Li Hua. I need to do something more useful with my time. I"m a video game junkie.

  L: 你说你是什么? Junkie? 那是什么啊?
  M: I called myself a "video game junkie."
  L: 你是说你玩电子游戏玩太多了,对不对?
  M: You got it. The word "junkie" originally was slang for a drug addict. Now, however, people used the word "junkie" to describe people who are very absorbed in a hobby or kind of entertainment.
  L: 噢, 所以junkie是指那些沉醉于自己嗜好的人。那么,除了像你这种老爱玩电子游戏的人以外,还有其他的junkies,对不对?
  M: Of course! For instance, my dad is a golf junkie. He goes to the golf course at least twice a week, and plays for hours.
  L: 没错,你爸爸真是个高尔夫球迷,一个星期要打两次,每次还要打好几个小时,那他肯定是退休了,不然那来那么多时间啊? 哎,Michael, 你可不可以再给我举几个不同的junkies的例子呢?
  M: Well, my friend Mitch, he is a sports junkie. He watches football in the fall, hockey in the winter, and baseball in the spring and summer. He finds a game on TV almost every day of the year, and he knows everything about every player.
  L: OK,所以你那个朋友Mitch,他呀是个大球迷。每天在电视上看球赛,秋天看足球,冬天就看曲棍球,春夏天又看棒球,而且还知道每一个球员呐。哇,真是个大球迷!
  M: That"s right. We don"t use the word "junkie" for just any fan. We use it for people who can"t live without their hobby.

  L: 噢,所以junkies还是特别指那些没有这些嗜好就没办法活的人呐!
  M: Yeah, like you. You are a soap opera junkie. I"ve seen you run to the student union between classes just so you can watch soap operas on the TV there. You are a junkie!
  L: 什么?你说我是连续剧迷?我至少不像你对电子游戏那么迷。好了好了,快走吧,我们跟Jack还有Sarah约好要吃饭的。
  (Sound of video games)

  L: 嗨,Michael,我们得走啦,否则要迟到了。
  M: Mmm hmm. (sound continues) Ahh! Come on, come on!
  L: Michael, 把遥控器给我!
  M: Hey! Cut it out!
  L: (Click, TV turns off) 对不起,Michael,我们再不走要来不及了。你刚才说什么cut it out, 什么意思啊?

  M: No! I said "cut it out." That means "stop it!"
  L: 噢,cut it out就是说“别这样”?那这句话是在什么场合用的?
  M: If someone is doing something that annoys you, and you really want them to stop, you can use this phrase. For instance, I was busy playing that game when you tried to grab the controller from me. I wanted you to stop trying to grab it, so I said "cut it out".
  L: 噢,所以,谁要是做的事让你很讨厌,你要他别这么做,这个时候你就可以说这句话。就象刚才我要抢你的遥控器时,你就说cut it out, 就是让我别抢。看来,这个cut it out还挺有用的。
  M: You understand. So what do you say if someone starts throwing peanuts at you, like this.
  L: 你干吗拿花生扔我啊?Stop, ER... Cut it out, Michael!

  M: Very good. I guess you really have learned this phrase.
  Michael今天用扔花生来教李华怎么说cut it out,也就是“别这样!”。这回李华恐怕再也忘不了这个说法了。李华今天还学到 junkies这个词。意思是对某种嗜好,或好玩的事着了迷的人。

日期:2007-8-22 9:03:23

  a fish out of water
  to teach a fish how to swim
  在今天的节目里,我们要给大家介绍几个和鱼有关的习惯用语。中国人常常用「如鱼得水」来形容一个一切都很顺当的环境。美国人常用的一个俗语却刚好和「如鱼得水」相反,他们说:a fish out of water。从字面上解释就是:没有水的鱼。你肯定经历过一种场合,当时你觉得很不自然,和周围的人或环境格格不入。A fish out of water作为一个俗语,就是指这种感觉的。它的意思是某人和他所处的环境不融恰,使他感到很别扭、很难堪。

  例句-1: At the conference I was a fish out of water. All the speeches were in French, a language I never studied.
  例句-2: Everybody else at the party ended up in the swimming pool. But I was a fish out of water because I can"t swim.

  要是谁想教鱼怎么游泳的话,那简直是班门弄斧,多余的了。下面我们要讲解的一个习惯用语就是这个意思:to teach a fish how to swim。To teach a fish how to swim作为俗语的意思是指班门弄斧:给别人提出完全没有必要的建议或劝告。你听了下面这位父亲的讲话就会知道他的儿子有多可笑了:
  例句-3: My son, fresh out of college, keeps telling me how to run my business. But I"ve been making good money for 30 years so he"s teaching a fish how to swim.
  例句-4: The day after I got my private pilot"s license, I told this man at the party all about how to fly an airplane. Later I learned he was an airline pilot who flew jumbo jets -- I"d been teaching a fish how to swim.

日期:2007-8-22 9:05:57

  流行美语 第59课 (下载)
  李华和Michael正坐在咖啡馆里喝咖啡。李华在看报。今天李华会学到两个常用语: check something out和to call something。
  M: What"s in the news today, Li Hua? (sound of newspaper rustling)
  L: 有些什么新闻啊?噢,我没有在看新闻。我在看招聘人的广告,想找个临时工,赚点钱。
  M: Hmm, let me take a look. Hey, check this one out!
  L: 等等,让我看看。(read slowly) 招聘辅导两个孩子,要母语是中文的家庭教师。对了,Michael, 你刚才说什么:check this one out, 你是叫我把这报纸借出去啊?这儿又不是图书馆,而且,这报纸是我自己买的!
  M: No, I said "Check this one out!" "To check something out" means "to look at something closely".

  L: 噢,check something out就是“仔细看一看”的意思!那不就是“从图书馆里借书”的意思吗?
  M: Well, that "s the formal meaning of "to check something out." However, the informal meaning is to have a look at something.
  L: 原来to check something out可以指从图书馆借书,可是在不正式的场合就是“仔细看一看”的意思。那,这大概是非常口语的说法,对不对?
  M: Right! Ok, check this advertisement out.
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